We are a community of ordinary people who have experienced the amazing love of God first hand.
We believe that the Bible is for today. In it God speaks to us. It gives us the guidance and direction we need in order to love as our Maker intended.
We continue to learn more about Jesus and better understand what it means to follow His example today.
Core beliefs
We share the same core beliefs with all evangelical Christian churches. We believe:
- Jesus Christ was God born as a human being to reveal God to us;
- Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday so our sins could be forgiven;
- Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Day to give His gift of eternal life to us;
- The Bible is inspired by God and is God’s word for everybody;
- God the Holy Spirit lives in everyone who believes;
- We believe it is right to show our faith by being baptised as believers.
Find out more about what is a christian?