Everyone has different ideas about what church should be like. Perhaps you have visited a church before and that experience has influenced your ideas. Please read on and you might be pleasantly surprised...
If you visit us on a Sunday morning, you can park at the front of the church, but you might find it easier to park in the surrounding streets. We try to park considerately so as not to inconvenience our neighbours.
You’ll be welcomed at the door and handed an ‘Update Sheet,’ giving you news of the service and other items of interest happening in the life of the church and local community. If you’re not sure where to sit, please ask one of the people at the door.
The first thing you might notice is the wide age-range of the congregation – from babies to 90’s. We are ordinary people, living lives and encountering the same problems as everyone else.
Perhaps the second thing will be the music. The popular image of church includes an organ and singing old hymns from a book. Not here! We have a modern music group, consisting of a keyboard, drums, flutes, guitars, violins and singers. The words of the songs are projected onto a screen and whilst we still occasionally sing some of the old hymns, most of the songs are modern – written in the last ten years or so.
The children usually share the service for the first twenty minutes, when we enjoy lively worship of God together, and often a children’s talk (which is enjoyed by the adults!). After the young people have gone off to their own groups, the service is usually more reflective, including prayer for the world, our community and our church, Bible reading and a message from God with a contemporary application.
At the end of the service (usually about 75 minutes), we serve tea and coffee, giving an opportunity to chat.
Please pick one of the options at the top of the page and explore further, or contact us if you have any questions.
Better still, why not visit one Sunday, and see for yourself? You might be pleasantly surprised...